Every time your survivors leave the immediate area of their base (by using the travel system involving a loading screen) they risk their lives for potential food and supplies.
See the GENERAL RULES section for a description of how to calculate your "away team's" Survival Rating (SR). If your group's SR is equal to or higher than the enemy rating, you succeed. If not, you lose one of your comrades (chosen at random) and any personal belongings they had on their body. Your surviving sims immediately return to base with whatever they managed to scavenge.
Random 1 – 100
(1 – 5): You run into a nasty group of thugs with a rating of 6. If you win, they did not have anything on them of value.
(6 - 10): It's a peaceful day of scavenging for you; however, the same can't be said for your base. While you've been out, a band of thugs showed up at the front door insisting that the "rent" is due. They tell whoever is home that if you don't turn over half of your food stash, they're taking it all. If no one is home, they break in, harvest everything in the garden, clean out the fridge, and do some serious damage to the place reduce the defense rating by 1. If there are more people traveling than at the base, reduce your base defense for this encounter by one point.
-- Comply with their demands and give them half of the food you have in the fridge
-- If you have a leader at the base and wish to comply, he/she works their charisma mojo and convinces them to take a third instead of half.
-- Scare them off (requires a base defense of 6 or higher.
--- Kick their butts (requires base defense of 7 or higher) and take THEIR stuff (2 tomoatos and 2 apples)
(11 - 15): You encounter a big, beefy, biker shouting in some scrawny guy's face demanding all his loot. Reminds you of the jocks picking on nerds back in high school. The larger man looks tough and has a rating of 5. If your group can beat that, you haul him off the nerd and give him one of those "behind the shed" beatings. The nerd is grateful as he clutches a box containing his most treasured possession, a computer. Turns out he is a computer guru but he is looking for a group that can defend him.
-- If your base defense rating (with everyone home and active) is 6 or higher, he joins you eagerly joins your colony if you like.
-- If your base defense is 5 or less, he will not join you but if you beat up the bully, he will give you the grilled cheese sandwiches packed neatly in his Star Wars lunch box. Have your chef prepare a serving of 4 grilled cheese sandwiches. If you don't have one, temporarily add a stove so someone else can make them or make 4 servings of a cold dish that doesn't require ingredients.
(16 - 20): You didn't realize it at the time but one of your sims (the one with the most food in their inventory) mistakenly kept a piece of contaminated food they harvested thinking it was clean. The contamination has spread to all food items in this person's inventory and everything has to be trashed.
(21 - 25): It looks like the pressure has gotten to someone. They are running around nearby waving a gun threatening to take everyone out (including themselves). Damn sims and their insanity trait. If you have an insane sim in your group, he/she actually talks them down. Otherwise, the psycho keeps getting louder and louder until he finally points a gun in your direction. His rating is a 1. What do you do?
-- take him out...he's better off in the long run.
-- shoot him in the leg...he drops the gun and howls in agony calling you every name in the book. If you have a biologist in the group, he/she patches him up, you recover the mad man's gun, and he gratefully gives you a old, dirty, common upgrade part in appreciation. Otherwise, he limps off leaving a trail of blood in his wake without sharing his dirty plumbing parts.
(26 - 30): What a stroke of luck! While digging through a trashcan, you spot a hole in the nearby wall big enough to crawl through. Inside is someone's hideout (although it looks deserted). Among a few pieces of spoiled food and various broken objects, you find a cot! It 's going to take some work cleaning it up but you can take it with you and add it to your base or trade it the next time the peddler stops by.
(31 – 35): It's quiet as the grave out here, too quiet. As if on cue, two women come running out shooting pistols in your direction. Rating = 4. If you take them down, you discover one of them had 4 lemons tied up in her apron.
(36 - 40): What's that sound? The group stops and strains to listen. There it is again...you've heard that before...it almost sounds like DRONES you see them, three scout drones that have been following you trying to get you to lead them to your base. As soon as they jig is up, they attack at a rating of 6.
-- Win: If your group survival rating is 6 or better, you take them down. You rummage through their metallic corpses and find two common upgrade parts.
-- Draw: If your group rating is 5 and you have a biologist with you to patch you up on the fly, you manage to survive; however, select a survivor at random. That person is bedridden for one day.
-- Loose: You are massively outgunned but you manage to take one of them out. As if suddenly receiving different orders from "the mother ship", both remaining drones leap into the air and come down surrounding a random survivor in your group. They release some sort of stasis field around the sim, latch on to him, and fly away with the victim. Remove the sim from your household and lose any objects they had in their inventory.
(41 – 50): It's a nice, peaceful day with no one in sight. As you prepare to leave, you see a bucket sitting a little ways down on the side of the road. Upon further inspection, you see it's full of water and has two fish of your choice inside (use the bb.showhiddenitems to pick two common fish you have a recipe for).
(51 – 55): All hell breaks loose as you stumble into a gunfight between two rival colonies. What do you do?
-- Walk away quietly...best not to stick your nose where it doesn't belong
-- Pick the side that looks good to you and join the fight. A couple of guys from the other team peel off and charge you. Rating = 5. If you win, collect 3 items onions from a sack one was carrying (use the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat if needed)
-- Shoot em all...and let their maker sort them out. Gunmen from both sides turn to face you with a rating of 7. You and your allies take them down with ease and the few stragglers bolt off. A man in his 40s, long hair, wearing a colorful tie-dye t-shirt offers a friendly wave in your direction. Thanks a lot folks, they were fighting over who got my garden and storage shed. Getting' harder and harder for a man to make it out here. You look capable. Mind if I join your group? I'm not asking for a handout now. I have fresh fruits and vegetables from storage and I'm good at gardening and fishing. If you need a hippie in your group, now is your shot. He comes with 2 each of tomato, mushroom, strawberry, and apple seeds and the ice box fridge. If you already have a hippie, picking up another does not increase food production, but the extra fridge might come in handy with a trader (worth 20) and they can split up the chores between them.
(56 – 60): You pass what used to be a pizzeria and spot a chunky guy running across the lot screaming that he's being robbed. What do you do?
-- Not your problem...move on
-- Stop and try to help the man but the thugs look too tough for you (Rating = 7) but you give it your best shot and manage to drive them out of his base but one of your team (chosen at random) is badly injured and bedridden for two days (one if you have a biologist). In gratitude, he offers you a cooked meal (serves 8). He refuses the opportunity to join you stating he needs to find someone who can hold their own. If you have a chef, return home and have him prepare 8 servings of an item that doesn't take any ingredients. If not, temporarily place a stove and have someone else cook.
-- You've had enough of people being abused so you decide to kick their butts (available only if you can take down a rating 7 encounter). The man is very grateful but his place has been trashed. He tells you he is an experienced chef and is willing to join you since you obviously know what you are doing. If you allow him to join, he uses his remaining supplies to prepare a large meal for everyone (choose something that doesn't take any ingredients) and he brings the wood burning stove with him to your base (worth 20 to the peddler if you have an extra). If you don't need him, he'll still give you a hot meal that serves 8.
(61 - 69): ABDUCTION! You didn't even see it coming. The light appeared out of nowhere and you felt gravity release it's hold on your body. Select one traveler at random and then make another random roll from 1-100 and follow the instructions below:
-- 1 - 25: A nearby stranger saw the ship incoming and as soon as the ray of light appeared, knocked you out of the way. Unfortunately, the act of heroism caused the stranger to get locked in the beam and abducted in your place.
-- 26 - 50: There is nothing you can do, you see any allies you had with you scrambling to save you but it's too late, you are too high up. The aliens capture your sim and they are never seen again. Remove the sim from the household immediately and lose anything they had in their inventory.
-- 51 - 75: Your body is drawn closer and closer to the spaceship. You may go out, but you're going to take some of them with you! As soon as you arrive onboard the aliens throw you into a cell and experiment on you. No serious harm done yet. The next time one comes by to collect you, you punch it in the throat, drag it in your cell, and quickly change clothes making sure to cover your face with a helmet. Eventually you make it off the ship and back to your party. If a female sim was taken, she finds out she is pregnant with an alien child (males too if you know how to engineer that)). For females, just add a male alien from the gallery temporarily, get pregnant, and send them packing.
-- 76 - 100: Just as the ray of light cascades over you, another sim charges your way grabbing you and you both crash to the ground safely out of the light. Stunned and grateful, you realize that this is no ordinary person. He/she is charismatic, knows what they are doing, and knows how to take charge of a situation. S/he offers to join your group as Leader. If you accept, select a sim from the gallery and give them 3 points in Charisma using the skill cheat (listed under Tables > Cheats on this site if you need it) and add the computer (if you don't have oen) or an extra cot to your base. Your colony can only have one leader at any given time.
(71 – 90): Nothing noteworthy occurs.
(91 – 100): You stumble into a horde of aliens and they see you coming! Their rating is 10. This doesn't look good. If you manage to defeat them you retrieve a signal scrambler from one of their bodies. This allows you to avoid one alien fight (either traveling or at the base). You also recover 2 plumbing and 2 common upgrade parts from their armor. If you are not strong enough, follow the rules outlined for at the top of this page.